Monthly Archives: October 2008

Feelings that Push You to Professional Mediocrity

As a professional, whether you work in a confined cubicle in a corporation or enjoying the experience of self employment, we go through different experiences that always arouse a variety of feelings.  Though we’d hope that it would be mostly positive, the reality is it’s not.  Negative feelings like envy, frustration, jealousy, stress, discomfort and anxiety, to name a few, show itself daily.

Some would consider it as normal and part of work life.  There are others that abhor it, which would explain why they quit their job easily. In as much as we’d like to ignore and eventually accept them, it doesn’t help in your ongoing professional development if  you let it win.

Picture this.

A new boss was just hired and you feel anxious and nervous about the change in management. You decide to wait it out and even refused to cooperate; hoping things go back to how it was before.  After a few months, you notice the new boss praising one of your colleagues, which you think is not as competent as you are. You feel betrayed and frustrated. Probably envious of the fact you weren’t noticed. Your feelings eat you up and now you are miserable than ever, having to find out that your colleague was promoted.

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Filed under Professional Development

Webinar Benefit: Professional Development

Being in the webinar (online seminar) business, a big percentage of those not familiar with the concept, can’t seem to grasp the benefit of attending one.  Most are used to attending face-to-face seminars and think it should stay that way.

Some though see the benefit of getting more information from an expert in an online format.  Not only do you get to save travel and accommodation costs, it is more comfortable attending one at the comfort of your home.  But, is it just that? Okay, let’s add saving the planet to the list of benefits since you will not be traveling, you will not contribute to the existing carbon gases each vehicle expels in the environment.

One important benefit that a lot fail to see is professional development.  We all know the reason we attend a seminar is to gain knowledge, hoping it would help in your existing endeavor.   We expect the speakers to share their expertise in their field and it can be presented in several formats. 

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Filed under Professional Development, Webinars

Call Center Career Consultant

There have been a lot of my readers, both in Call Center Blurbs and Call Center Script that have been emailing me and asking me advice on several topics.  It ranges from recruitment, interview tips, training and home based jobs.  About 60% seek help with regards recruitment or entering the industry.

With this in mind, I will be offering my services and will share my knowledge to people out there who is willing to listen.  My husband calls it the official guidance counselor or career coach within the industry.  It has a nice ring to it but I haven’t decided what the official title would be.

My Services
So, what can I offer?  There are two ways.  I am preparing to conduct a series of Call Center Webinars through ProFora Media.  This will give you access to specific information in an online seminar format and be available to more people at the same time.  Alternatively, if you would like to boost your career within the industry, or you need someone to talk to on a specific situation within your job, this is where my private consultations come in.  It will still be online, so it doesn’t even matter where you are in the country.

Being someone who is passionate and dedicated to education, this is one way for me to help people and make their lives a bit better.  It sounds very dramatic but it’s the truth.  I know how difficult it gets and how stressful it is to work in this industry.  Everyone needs a sound board once in a while and usually it is better to get a third party to listen to remove any subjectivity.

So, if you’re interested, do drop me a note so we can get started.

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Filed under Call Centers, Professional Development

Facebook: Be a Tycoon

The social networking phenomenon has exploded and it is the next best thing to keeping your friends and colleagues close and personal. I personally have accounts across different sites such as Friendster, LinkedIn, Plaxo and the ever popular Facebook.

Be a fan and add the golden egg to your empire.

Be a fan and add the golden egg to your empire.

I am not much of a fan of these sites and rarely log in (unless I have to approve a request from someone to add me in their network), except for one – Facebook.  It was a day when I didn’t have anything better to do except surf the web plus I thought of updating my profiles in different sites.  Known for its numerous applications, I had over 80+ requests from different people for a variety of things, from hatching eggs and giving out gifts such as laptops or Lacoste shirts.

One friend invited me to try an application called “Be a Tycoon“, which essentially is a virtual game to build your empire ala “Forex” style.  I tried it once and I was hooked! I invited my husband and best friend and they’ve joined the bandwagon.

If you are one of us, then read on.  Here are some tips that might help you earn your virtual millions (or even billions) faster.

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Filed under Games

Kudos 2

My latest game is Kudos 2 by Positech Games.

I’ve been playing for several days and got it as soon as it came out.  It wasn’t even available through the usual game providers and bought it straight from the developer’s website.

Like any simulation game, there is quite a bit of investment needed to play and enjoy part 2 of Kudos.  You get the opportunity to manage your own virtual life and decide to choose how you’d like to live your life. The player gets to choose his or her character and start out in a low paying job and decide how much time you’d like to spend with your friends, be a hermit to read books or work out, enjoy the company of a faithful pet or be a successful professional earning a lot of money.

Is it worth to play and buy? 

Here is my review

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